29 May 2010

Holiday Fun

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!

I didn't factor into my production time the forced family fun that I would have to endure so as result I will be a bit off schedule. Yet i t will be up on monday and then we will move to our regular schedule.

Have fun. Roll some dice!

28 May 2010

Season 1 Episode 5: You Look 40K Today

Notes (Not in order of discussion)
Official Podcast of the 40K Fight Club (40kfightclub.com)
1. Learn a bit about:
Fabricator General,
TheJesus (he controls the Internet with his mind)
Earthen (the Fabio of 40K)

2. New FW Book and models
How do you like them?
Going to get them?
The place of FW in the hobby

3. Hobby catalog coming out
talk about how it came about
What do you think of it
Are you going to buy it

4. Black Library Audio Dramas and their awesomeness

5. Topic of the Night: Competitive play vs "Casual" Play

6. WWJD? (What Would Jervis Do?)
Imagine you were Jervis Johnson what would you do with the hobby

Contact Us:

Our Email is 40kfightclubpodcast at gmail dot com
Call us leave a message, a review, or even say hi 248.403.8090

Stream it from the Internet Archives:

Wed, 28 May 2010 13:00:00 EST

27 May 2010

Season 1 Episode 4: Beware the False Prophet

The one where we talk to Primarch Hornblower, co-founder of the 40K Fight Club

Stream it from our Internet Archives site

Contact Us:

Our Email is 40kfightclubpodcast at gmail dot com
Call us leave a message, a review, or even say hi 248.403.8090

Wed, 27 May 2010 13:00:00 EST


Yes. Just to make this blog a little relevant I am posting the news here. Again, though, join in the convesation at 40kfightclub.com

Here is your link to iTunes happiness.

26 May 2010

Season 1 Episode 3: Hostile Take Over

The one where the Ordos Fraternitas takes over

Stream it here from Internet Archives

Contact Us:

Our Email is 40kfightclubpodcast at gmail dot com
Call us leave a message, a review, or even say hi 248.403.8090

Wed, 27 May 2010 13:00:00 EST

Season 1 Episode 2: Skype-Tastic

The One Where we talk to Deacon, Chapter Master of the Ordo Fraternitas

Stream it from our Internet Archives Site

Contact Us:

Our Email is 40kfightclubpodcast at gmail dot com
Call us leave a message, a review, or even say hi 248.403.8090

Wed, 26 May 2010 13:00:00 EST

25 May 2010

Season 1 Episode 1: Hoorah!

The first. Where we talk to The Prophet, Primarch and Co-Founder of the 40K Fight Club

Stream it from our Internet Archive site

Contact Us:

Our Email is 40kfightclubpodcast at gmail dot com
Call us leave a message, a review, or even say hi 248.403.8090

Wed, 5 May 2010 13:00:00 EST

24 May 2010

'Ere We Go!

This is the first post. This blog will only really serve as a host for notes and links to the Fight Night podcast, Official Podcast of the 40k Fight Club.

First understand this podcast is designed to discuss the GW hobby, their games, and the 40K Fight Club. It is best enjoyed by participating in the 40K Fight Club community.

Now shut up and roll the dice.